Environmental Baseline Survey, Blocks 11B/12B – South Africa – 2022 – TotalEnergies E&P South Africa B.V.

Evento de amostragem
Versão mais recente published by TotalEnergies on jan. 16, 2024 TotalEnergies
Publication date:
16 de janeiro de 2024
Published by:
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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TotalEnergies E&P South Africa (TEEPSA) contracted Benthic Solutions Limited (BSL) for the provision of a regional campaign of Environmental Baseline Studies (EBS) within Block 11B/12B and along the Petro SA Block 9 pipeline corridor connected to Block 11B/12B located off the south coast of South Africa. Survey operations were carried out aboard the Bourbon Evolution 807 between the 28th of November 2022 and the 18th of December 2022. Environmental operations were conducted within the Block 11B/12B and B9 PL corridor survey area to gather information on the physico-chemical and biological environment prior to commencing further drilling and possible development activities. A time constraint on the survey scope was imposed due to the marginal weather conditions experienced onsite and the large survey area to cover (~18,870km2). As such, a priority list of operations was provided by TEEPSA, advised by BSL, to ensure data obtained within this survey covered a sufficient area of seabed before the exploration operations. The water depth in the survey area showed large variation ranging from 114m (B9 PL corridor) to 1,871m (B11B/12B Paddavissie) below sea level. This survey included characterisation of the seabed and water column physico-chemistry and biology, as well as, opportunistic observations of marine megafauna by marine mammal observations (MMO) and passive acoustic monitoring (PAM), to provide an understanding of the baseline conditions prior to commencing further drilling and development activities. The main objectives for the survey were to: • Acquire baseline data of sediment and water column physico-chemical characteristics within the survey area. • Identify and assess any existing pollutants within the sediment and the water column, in particular, those related to oil and gas activities within the survey area. • Identify sensitive habitats or species susceptible to disturbance from drilling and construction related activities. • Establish an understanding of the natural variation in environmental conditions against which the environmental impact of future oil and gas operations can be assessed. The sampling plan consisted of sediment and water column sampling combined with seabed video acquisition to provide a greater understanding of the regional seabed habitats. Opportunistic marine megafauna observations were also undertaken during the survey to provide an understanding of the marine mammal communities present in the Block. Sampling locations were assigned prioritised rankings which included the development and the exploration areas of Block 11B/12B, the proposed pipeline corridor to Block 9, and sensitive areas (including the Kingklip Ridge and Kingklip Koppies. Consideration was given to areas of interest including marine protected areas, critical biodiversity areas, ecological support areas, TecGeo point locations, and possible underwater infrastructure. The proposed pipeline corridor between Block 11B/12B and Block 9 consisted of eight sediment stations, two water sampling station and nine camera transects. A further six sampling stations, one water station and 18 camera transects were positioned throughout the rest of the Block for spacing to provide whole Block coverage or to cover areas of the seabed nearby sensitive areas. Based on time constraints as a result of weather, the survey strategy was continually modified to acquire data for priority areas, or areas with no previous data, as agreed with the client.

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O editor e o detentor dos direitos deste trabalho é TotalEnergies. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

Este recurso foi registrado no GBIF e atribuído ao seguinte GBIF UUID: bddb115c-3558-4ef5-9b5b-fe23531c7d32.  TotalEnergies publica este recurso, e está registrado no GBIF como um publicador de dados aprovado por GBIF France.


Samplingevent; Benthic macrofauna; Microbiology; Marine mammal observations; Passive acoustic monitoring


TotalEnergies EP South Africa B.V.
  • Originador
TotalEnergies EP South Africa B.V.
3rd Floor – Tygervalley Chambers 2 27 Willie Van Schoor Avenue, Bellville 7530 -– South Africa
7530 Bellville
Khuliso Mudau
  • Ponto De Contato
Environmental Coordinator
TotalEnergies EP South Africa B.V.
3rd Floor – Tygervalley Chambers 2 27 Willie Van Schoor Avenue
7530 Bellville
Western Cape
+27 (0) 21 003 4060
Delsy Sifundza
  • Usuário
Biodiversity Coordinator
TotalEnergies EP South Africa B.V.
3rd Floor – Tygervalley Chambers 2 27 Willie Van Schoor Avenue
7530 Bellville

Cobertura Geográfica

Multiblock Regional, Phase 3 Environmental Baseline Survey, Block 11B12B, South Africa.

Coordenadas delimitadoras Sul Oeste [-90, -180], Norte Leste [90, 180]

Cobertura Temporal

Data Inicial / Data final 2022-11-28 / 2022-12-14

Metadados Adicionais

Identificadores alternativos bddb115c-3558-4ef5-9b5b-fe23531c7d32