Environmental Baseline Survey, Block DWOB– South Africa – 2022 – TotalEnergies E&P South Africa B.V.

Sampling event
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TotalEnergies E&P South Africa (TEEPSA) contracted Benthic Solutions Limited (BSL) for the provision of an Environmental Baseline Study (EBS) within Block DWOB located off the west coast of South Africa. Survey operations within Block DWOB were carried out aboard the supply vessel Bourbon Evolution 807 from the 12th of October 2022 to the 7th of November 2022. Environmental operations were conducted across the survey area to gather information on the physico-chemical and biological environment prior to drilling activities. Block DWOB is located in an area that extends roughly from 160 to 350 km along the continental slope to deep bathyal plain. Water depth in the survey area ranges from approximately from 800m to over 3,400m below sea level. The sampling strategy was designed by BSL and Creocean to follow TEEPSA set investigation targets and station selection rationale. The sampling plan consisted of sediment and water column sampling combined with seabed video acquisition in order to provide a greater understanding of the regional seabed habitats. Opportunistic marine megafauna observations were also to be undertaken during the survey to provide an understanding of the marine mammal communities present in the Block. This survey included characterisation of the seabed and water column physico-chemistry and biology, as well as, opportunistic observations of marine megafauna by marine mammal observations (MMO) and passive acoustic monitoring (PAM), to provide an understanding of the baseline conditions prior to commencing further drilling and development activities. The main objectives for the survey were to: • Acquire baseline data of sediment and water column physico-chemical characteristics within the survey area. • Identify and assess any existing pollutants within the sediment and the water column, in particular, those related to oil and gas activities within the survey area. • Identify sensitive habitats or species susceptible to disturbance from drilling and construction related activities. • Establish an understanding of the natural variation in environmental conditions against which the environmental impact of future oil and gas operations can be assessed. The sampling plan consisted of sediment and water column sampling combined with seabed video acquisition to provide a greater understanding of the regional seabed habitats. Opportunistic marine megafauna observations were also undertaken during the survey to provide an understanding of the marine mammal communities present in the Block. Based on time constraints as a result of weather, the survey strategy was continually modified to acquire data for priority areas, or areas with no previous data, as agreed with the client.


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Samplingevent; TotalEnergies; TEEPSA; Block 5/6/7; South Africa; EBS; 2022; Marine mama; benthic; Zooplankton; phytoplankton


TotalEnergies EP South Africa B.V.
  • 出處
TotalEnergies EP South Africa B.V.
3rd Floor – Tygervalley Chambers 2 27 Willie Van Schoor Avenue, Bellville 7530 -– South Africa
7530 Bellville
Khuliso Mudau
  • 連絡人
Environmental Coordinator
TotalEnergies EP South Africa B.V.
3rd Floor – Tygervalley Chambers 2 27 Willie Van Schoor Avenue
7530 Bellville
Delsy Sifundza
  • 使用者
Biodiversity Coordinator
TotalEnergies EP South Africa B.V.
3rd Floor – Tygervalley Chambers 2 27 Willie Van Schoor Avenue, Bellville 7530 -– South Africa
7530 Bellville


Within Block 5/6/7 (off the southwest coast of South Africa)

界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [-90, -180], 緯度北界 經度東界 [90, 180]



Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Testudines, Cetartiodactyla
Family Balaenopteridae, Physeteridae, Cheloniidae


起始日期 / 結束日期 2022-10-19 / 2022-11-07


Within Block DWOB (off the west coast of South Africa) : Macrobanthic infauna, Marine mammal observations, Passive acoustic monitoring, Abundances and biovolumes of phytoplankton and zooplancton collected by nets

計畫名稱 Environmental Baseline Study, Block DWOB South Africa – 2022 – TotalEnergies E&P South Africa (TEEPSA)
經費來源 TotalEnergies E&P South Africa (TEEPSA) contracted Benthic Solutions Limited (BSL) for the provision of an Environmental Baseline Study (EBS) within Block DWOB located off the west coast of South Africa.
研究區域描述 Survey operations within Block DWOB were carried out aboard the supply vessel Bourbon Evolution 807 from the 12th of October 2022 to the 7th of November 2022. Environmental operations were conducted across the survey area to gather information on the physico-chemical and biological environment prior to drilling activities. Block DWOB is located in an area that extends roughly from 160 to 350 km along the continental slope to deep bathyal plain. Water depth in the survey area ranges from approximately from 800m to over 3,400m below sea level.
研究設計描述 he sampling strategy was designed by BSL and Creocean to follow TEEPSA set investigation targets and station selection rationale. The sampling plan consisted of sediment and water column sampling combined with seabed video acquisition in order to provide a greater understanding of the regional seabed habitats. Opportunistic marine megafauna observations were also to be undertaken during the survey to provide an understanding of the marine mammal communities present in the Block.
