Phenology and biological traits of migrating brown trouts and sea trouts sampled by trapping in the Oir river (France).

Registros biológicos
Última versión publicado por Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE) el mar 13, 2024 Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE)

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Since 1984, monitoring has been carried out to observe migration phenology and quantify the abundance of migratory brown trout and sea trout in the Oir basin. In the downstream part of the Oir River, a trapping system controls trouts migration by means of 2 traps, one for the descending fish and the other for the ascending fish. On this occasion, biometric characteristics are developed to characterize the population in order to feed this data set.


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Occurrence (core)

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El publicador y propietario de los derechos de este trabajo es Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE). Esta obra está bajo una licencia Creative Commons de Atribución/Reconocimiento (CC-BY 4.0).

Registro GBIF

Este recurso ha sido registrado en GBIF con el siguiente UUID: 49350fa5-9510-4fdb-a657-02a8194c2de3.  Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE) publica este recurso y está registrado en GBIF como un publicador de datos avalado por GBIF France.

Palabras clave

Occurrence; population composition; trapping; salmon; smot; migration; phenology; brown trout; sea trout; Occurrence


Frédéric Marchand
  • Proveedor De Los Metadatos
  • Originador
  • Punto De Contacto
  • Engineer
INRAE, Pole OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement, U3E, F-35042, Rennes, France.
  • 65 rue de St Brieuc, CS 84215
35042 Rennes
  • +33 223485786
Didier Azam
  • Originador
  • Engineer
INRAE, Pole OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement, U3E, F-35042, Rennes, France.
  • 65 rue de St Brieuc, CS 84215
35042 Rennes
  • +33 223485786
Richard Delanoë
  • Originador
  • Technician
OFB, Pole OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement, F-35042, Rennes, France
  • Le moulin de Cerisel
50220 Ducey
  • 0688155198
Jean-Pierre Destouches
  • Originador
  • Technician
INRAE, Pole OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement, U3E, F-35042, Rennes, France.
  • 65 rue de St Brieuc, CS 84215
35042 Rennes
  • +33 223485786
Julien Tremblay
  • Originador
  • Technician
INRAE, Pole OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement, U3E, F-35042, Rennes, France.
  • 65 rue de St Brieuc, CS 84215
35042 Rennes
  • +33 223485786
Jean-Luc Baglinière
  • Originador
  • Researcher
INRAE, Pole OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement, DECOD, F-35042, Rennes, France.
  • 65 rue de St Brieuc, CS 84215
35042 Rennes
  • +33 223485447
Marie Nevoux
  • Originador
  • Researcher
INRAE, Pole OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement, DECOD, F-35042, Rennes, France.
  • 65 rue de St Brieuc, CS 84215
35042 Rennes
  • +33 223485235
Etienne Prévost
  • Originador
  • Researcher
Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, e2s-UPPA, INRAE, OFB, Agrocampus-Ouest, ECOBIOP, Pôle pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement, Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle, France
  • Aquapôle - Ibarron
64310 St-Pée-sur-Nivelle
  • +33559515983
Nadine Herrard
  • Programador
  • Programmer
INRAE, Pole OFB-INRAE-Agrocampus Ouest-UPPA pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement, U3E, F-35042, Rennes, France.
  • 65 rue de St Brieuc, CS 84215
35042 Rennes
  • +33 223485773
GBIF France
  • Distribuidor
  • IT support
GBIF France
  • MNHN Geologie CP48, 43 rue Buffon
75005 Paris
  • +33143798065

Cobertura geográfica

Coastal river in Normandy (France)

Coordenadas límite Latitud Mínima Longitud Mínima [48,627, -1,276], Latitud Máxima Longitud Máxima [48,629, -1,273]

Cobertura taxonómica

No hay descripción disponible

Especie Salmo trutta (Linnaeus, 1758) (Brown Trout), Salmo trutta (Linnaeus, 1758) (sea Trout)

Cobertura temporal

Fecha Inicial / Fecha Final 1983-11-29 / 2024-02-05

Datos del proyecto

The Research Observatory on Diadromous Fish in Coastal Streams (ORE DiaPFC) is a research infrastructure steered by INRAE in partnership with OFB and part of the OFB-INRAE R&D center. It’s focused on the study of the evolution of diadromous fish populations under the influence human induced environmental changes that affect these rivers (mainly climate and effects of agriculture). Diadromous species of primary interest are salmon (Salmo salar), trout (Salmo trutta), eel (Anguilla Anguilla), shads (Alosa sp.), and lampreys (Lampetra sp. and Petromyzon marinus). These species are threatened by the consequences of human activities. They are flagship species for the biodiversity of coastal streams. Nowadays, these streams are the main refuges for diadromous fish that have disappeared or dramatically declined on larger rivers. This ERO DiaPFC is a Research Infrastructure based on four coastal streams of the Atlantic and Channel coast of France: the Bresle and the Oir in Normandy, the Scorff in Brittany and the Nivelle in the Pays Basque. These four rivers are equipped with diadromous fish trapping facilities and are thoroughly and continuously surveyed from the mid 1980s. They are twinned with experimental ecology facilities located in Rennes (Brittany) and Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle (Pays Basque). This set of facilities is complemented by individual-based eco-genetic simulators for in silico experimentation on virtual populations.

Título Observatoire de Recherche en Environnement des poissons diadromes sur les Fleuves Côtiers - Ecological Research Observatory on Diadromous Fish in coastal streams
Fuentes de Financiación - INRAE : French National Institute for Agricultural, Food en Environment Research - OFB : French Office for Biodiversity. - Since 202, data collected on troutin the framework of the ORE DiaPFC have been included in the national program for the data collect in support of scientific advice for the Common Fisheries Policy for the European regulations on fisheries management. In this context, INRAE and OFB contribute to the National Work Program piloted by the DPMA of the Ministry of the Environment. This program is financially supported by FEAMP and FEAMPA
Descripción del área de estudio ERO DiaPFC is a Research Infrastructure based on three coastal streams of the Atlantic and Channel coast of France: the Bresle and the Oir in Normandy, the Scorff in Brittany and the Nivelle in the Pays Basque
Descripción del diseño The issue of 'Research Observatory on Diadromes Fish in Coastal Rivers (ORE DiaPFC) is to study the evolution of diadromous fish populations as a result of environmental changes (climate change and changes related to agriculture ) that affect these rivers.

Personas asociadas al proyecto:

Etienne Prévost
  • Investigador Principal

Métodos de muestreo

The traps are surveyed in the morning every day and several times a day during periods of high migration throughout the year. Biometric measurement of the fish are recorded after their anesthesia with benzocaïne. The fish length is measured from the tip of the mouth to the fork of the caudal fin (1 millimeter precision). Fish are then weighed (0.2 g precision for smolts and 0.5 g for adults). Sex is determined on the basis of phenological criteria and maturity status is assessed by a gentle pressure on the belly that allows to get sperm in mature males. All the fish sampled are then released.

Área de Estudio Oir river : Latitude ranges from 48.6840 to 48.5985; longitude ranges from -1.2949 to -1. 0994. The Oir River is located on the southern edge of Normandy. It is a tributary of the Sélune, a coastal river that flows into the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel. The Oir is 21 km long and has a mean gradient of 1.1%. Annual mean discharge is 1.1 m3/s and the drainage basin area is 85.4 km2, which is dominated by sedimentary schist and metamorphic hornfels with granite inclusions. Agriculture is the main human activity and land use. Migratory fish cannot access the upper Sélune because a dam located 15 km from the sea blocks them. The Oir, with a 16 km long section accessible to migratory fish, is the main spawning ground and the most productive tributary of the Sélune hydrographic network. The migratory fish monitoring station has been in operation since 1983 (GPS coordinates Lambert II extended: E 333834 - N 2409347). It is located on the entrance canal of the Cerisel mill and has two up and down trapping systems. It is located downstream of the Oir about 1.5 km from its confluence with the Sélune. Functional all year round, they allow to follow the migration of brown trout and sea trout.

Descripción de la metodología paso a paso:

  1. The migratory fish monitoring station has been in operation since 1983. Adults and juvéniles brown trout and sea trout are monitored by means of 2 traps, one for the descending fish and the other for the ascending fish. Trouts are monitored by trapping at the Cerisel Mill, both traps operating the whole year. Trap configuration allows only partial capture depending on the flow which requires to estimate the effectiveness of the traps.

Metadatos adicionales

This data set is intended to be updated annually


Monitoring of brown trout and sea trout migration.

Identificadores alternativos 49350fa5-9510-4fdb-a657-02a8194c2de3