Biodiversity through students' eyes - Marcoussis, 2023 - ENGIE Renewables

Latest version published by ENGIE on Aug 7, 2023 ENGIE
Publication date:
7 August 2023
Published by:
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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The data were collected as part of ENGIE Renewables’ project : Biodiversity through students' eyes. This project is led in partnership with the French Committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the National Museum of Natural History (NMHN) and the University of Paris-Saclay. The aim of the project is to enable students to observe biodiversity in an operational renewable energy production site. Observations are carried out by students in first year of master degree in ecology in the Marcoussis‘ solar photovoltaic power plant (Essonne, France). They use participatory science protocols developed by Vigie-Nature (NMHN program). Bird observations were made using the temporal monitoring of common birds (STOC protocol). The same 10 listening points were recorded during three successive outings between March and June 2023 in the Marcoussis’ power plant. During each outing, the group of students carried out the listening points in the reverse order to the previous outing, to eliminate any bias linked to the time of day. Flora observations were made using the Vigie-Flore protocol. Observations were made on 1 outing in May 2023 that’s why there is 1 date in the file. From line 2 to line 104 inclusive: corresponds to an area where photovoltaic panels are located. From line 105 to line 202 inclusive: corresponds to a zone dedicated to biodiversity within the central (avoidance measure). There is not any photovoltaic panels on it. From line 203 to line 238 inclusive: corresponds to a second zone dedicated to biodiversity within the central (avoidance measure). There is not any photovoltaic panels on it. Pollinator observations were made using the photographic monitoring of pollinating insects (SPIPOLL protocol). Observations were made on 3 outings between March and June 2023 that’s why there are 3 dates in the file. The AssociatedTaxa column contains the plant species on which the insect was observed. Odonates observations were made using the temporal monitoring of dragonflies (STELI protocol). Observations were made on 2 outings in May and June 2023 that’s why there are 2 dates in the file. From line 2 to line 26 inclusive and 47 to 56 inclusive: corresponds to a zone dedicated to biodiversity within the central (avoidance measure). There is not any photovoltaic panels on it. From line 27 to 40 inclusive and 57 to 58 inclusive: corresponds to an area where photovoltaic panels are located. And from line 41 to 46 inclusive: corresponds to an area where photovoltaic panels are located. Butterflies observations were made using the temporal monitoring of rhopalocera in France (STERF protocol). Observations were made on 1 outing in May 2023 that’s why there are 1 date in the file. Concerning the bats observations students installed 3 monitoring tools SM4s in the zone dedicated to biodiversity (avoidance measure) without any photovoltaic panels in the Marcoussis’ photovoltaic solar power plant (Essonne, France). The SM4s were in the field between June 8 and June 14, 2023. A bat contact detected by an SM4 corresponds to one individual. Concerning the mammals observations, students installed 6 camera-traps in the Marcoussis’ photovoltaic solar power plant (Essonne, France). The camera-traps were in the field between March 28 and May 3, 2023.

Data Records

The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 3,002 records.

This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.


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The publisher and rights holder of this work is ENGIE. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 5f8c1349-e996-47c7-9381-7ec22a1f2a9e.  ENGIE publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF France.


Occurrence; Observation


Pauline Millot
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
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  • Point Of Contact
Sustainability Project Manager