The dataset contains occurrences of small terrestrial mammals (Rodentia and Soricomorpha) trapped in forested areas in Eastern France (administrative departments: Rhône, Ain, Jura). The sampling sites correspond to different degrees of anthropisation. Forests included in biological reserves are the less anthropized sites, then public forests and urban parks experience higher levels of anthropisation. Data were collected during spring and autumn 2020 (three to four sampling sites), 2021 (six sampling sites) and 2022 (four sampling sites). These variations in the number of sites between years were due to lockdown restrictions in 2020, or to the legal authorization to trap around biological reserves granted in 2021 only. The capture of animals was carried out in various types of forests (pine, deciduous, mixed), and in different habitats within urban parks (wooded areas, buildings, hay storage yards, riverside vegetation, restaurants, playground for kids, botanical garden, landfills…). Captures were realised using live traps that were set on the ground for one to 11 nights. During this study period, 1593 small mammals were trapped and identified. They belong to 15 species, among which there are nine species of rodents (Muridae, Cricetidae, Gliridae) and six species of shrews (Soricidae). They were weighted (gram) and measured (cm): both body length and tail length. Sexual characteristics were also recorded. This dataset aims to better understand the relationship between small terrestrial mammal biodiversity and health in the context of global change, and in particular of forest anthropisation. It is part of the European Biodiversa BioRodDis project ( Here we present the data gathered in France. The dataset will enable to describe the diversity of small terrestrial mammal communities in forested areas corresponding to different levels of anthropisation, and to evaluate the variability of this diversity over time, between seasons and between years.
Registros de Dados
Os dados deste recurso de ocorrência foram publicados como um Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), que é o formato padronizado para compartilhamento de dados de biodiversidade como um conjunto de uma ou mais tabelas de dados. A tabela de dados do núcleo contém 1.593 registros.
Também existem 1 tabelas de dados de extensão. Um registro de extensão fornece informações adicionais sobre um registro do núcleo. O número de registros em cada tabela de dados de extensão é ilustrado abaixo.
This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.
A tabela abaixo mostra apenas versões de recursos que são publicamente acessíveis.
Como citar
Pesquisadores deveriam citar esta obra da seguinte maneira:
Charbonnel N, Pradel J, Bouilloud M, Loiseau A, Piry S, Galan M, Artige E, Castel G, Ferrero J, Bordes A, Gallet R, Vieira N, Thuel G (2022): Small terrestrial mammals (Rodentia, Soricomorpha) along a gradient of forest anthropisation (reserves, manages forests, urban parks) in France. v1.5. CBGP (UMR INRA, Cirad, IRD, Montpellier SupAgro). Dataset/Occurrence.
Pesquisadores devem respeitar a seguinte declaração de direitos:
O editor e o detentor dos direitos deste trabalho é CBGP (UMR INRAE, Cirad, IRD, Institut Agro | Montpellier). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.
GBIF Registration
Este recurso foi registrado no GBIF e atribuído ao seguinte GBIF UUID: 688ff587-af92-4f7b-82b5-3ee565afa025. CBGP (UMR INRAE, Cirad, IRD, Institut Agro | Montpellier) publica este recurso, e está registrado no GBIF como um publicador de dados aprovado por GBIF France.
Occurrence; Specimen
- Provedor Dos Metadados
- Senior researcher (DR2, INRAE)
- Av. Agropolis
- +4 99 62 33 02
- Provedor Dos Metadados
- Technician (TR, INRAE)
- Av. Agropolis
- +4 99 62 33 02
- Originador
- +4 99 62 33 02
- Originador
- Technician
- Originador
- research engin
- Originador
- research engineer
- Originador
- engineer
- Originador
- researcher
- Originador
- master student
- Originador
- engineer
- Originador
- researcher
- Originador
- technician
- Originador
- technician
- Provedor Dos Metadados
- Technician
- Provedor Dos Metadados
- Senior researcher
Cobertura Geográfica
The data were collected in six forested areas in Eastern France, within three administrative departments (Rhône, Ain, Jura).
Coordenadas delimitadoras | Sul Oeste [44,84, 2,021], Norte Leste [48,633, 7,734] |
Cobertura Taxonômica
Reign Animalia Class Mammalia Order Rodentia Soricomorpha Family Cricetidae Muridae Gliridae Soricidae Genus Apodemus, Crocidura, Glis, Microtus, Mus, Myodes, Neomys, Rattus, Sorex, Species Apodemus flavicollis Apodemus sylvaticus Crocidura russula Crocidura leucodon Glis glis Microtus agrestis Microtus arvalis Microtus subterraneus Mus musculus Myodes glareolus Neomys fodiens Rattus norvegicus Sorex araneus Sorex coronatus Sorex minutus
Espécie | Apodemus flavicollis, Apodemus sylvaticus, Crocidura russula, Crocidura leucodon, Glis glis, Microtus agrestis, Microtus subterraneus, Mus musculus, Myodes glareolus, Neomys fodiens, Rattus norvegicus, Sorex araneus, Sorex coronatus, Sorex minutus |
Cobertura Temporal
Data Inicial / Data final | 2020-02-25 / 2022-06-03 |
Dados Sobre o Projeto
This dataset was funded through the 2018-2019 BiodivERsA joint call for research proposals, under the BiodivERsA3 ERA-Net COFUND programme, and with the funding organisations ANR (France).
Título | Managing BIOdiversity in forests and urban green spaces : Dilution and amplification effects on RODent microbiomes and rodent-borne DISeases |
Identificador | Biodiversa-BioRodDis |
Descrição da Área de Estudo | BioRodDis includes occurrence of small terrestrial mammals from forests and urban parks in five countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland and Poland. |
Descrição do Design | BioRodDis project aims at elucidating the interlinkages between small mammal biodiversity and diseases at local and European scales using standardized assessments of biodiversity and disease risks. In particular, the dilution/amplification effect is assessed by integrating new key research directions, i.e. host microbiome and multiple pathogen diversity levels on one hand, seasonal and multi-annual dynamics on the other hand, including climate change scenarios, and interactions with socioeconomic contexts. |
O pessoal envolvido no projeto:
Métodos de Amostragem
Small mammals were live trapped. Six to ten lines of 20 live-traps (INRA) with about 3 m interval were set up so that each sampling site consisted of a few km2 area. Traps were baited with sunflower seeds, carrots and sardine. Each trap was geolocated. The traps were checked daily and early in the morning. Trapping session per site lasted at least three nights, except when abundances were too low and new trap lines had to be set up. As trapping rats and mice in urban parks was difficult, traps were set in particular places where animals had been detected, and they were removed after 10 or 11 nights.
Área de Estudo | 6 sample sites (2 forest reserves, 2 public forests, 2 urban parks) in Eastern France. Current dataset extends from February 2020 to June 2022 |
Controle de Qualidade | All captured animals were determined to species level using morphological criteria in the field, or using molecular methods when necessary (CO1 sequencing for Microtus species and shrews, Hebert et al. 2003, or DNA fingerprinting for Apodemus species, Bugarski-Stanojevic et al. 2012). Animal dissections and measurements were performed according to the protocols described in Herbreteau et al. (2011). Capture data are registered in the CBGP small mammal database (BPM,; associated biological samples (organs, blood, parasites ...) are included in the CBGP reference collection of small mammals doi:10.15454/WWNUPO. |
Descrição dos passos do método:
- NA
Dados de Coleção
Nome da Coleção | CBGP small mammal database (BPM, |
Identificador da Coleção | doi:10.15454/WWNUPO |
Citações bibliográficas
- Bugarski-Stanojević V, Blagojević J, Adnadević T, Jovanović V, Vujošević M (2013) Identification of the sibling species Apodemus sylvaticus and Apodemus flavicollis (Rodentia, Muridae)—Comparison of molecular methods. Journal of Comparative Zoology 252: 579-587. 10.1016/j.jcz.2012.11.004
- Hebert PDN, Cywinska A, Ball SL, deWaard JR (2003) Biological identifications through DNA barcodes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 270: 313–321. 10.1098/rspb.2002.2218
Metadados Adicionais
Identificadores alternativos | 688ff587-af92-4f7b-82b5-3ee565afa025 |
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